Here is an excellent read that appeared in my News Feed on LinkedIn – how Google, Amazon and Facebook like to use Fermi Problems as GCA interview questions.

What is a Fermi Problem?

A Fermi problem involves making estimates and using mathematics to answer a question, in more colloquial language they might be termed ‘back of envelope’ calculations. Many of the questions don’t have clear cut answers, and sometimes alternative paths to solutions are possible.

The ability to break complex problems down into many simpler easier to solve problems is something not everyone innately possesses. Some people can develop that skill through practice and study, but this skill distinguishes the exceptional candidate from the pack. With the help of an experienced mentor/coach, we can work on developing this instinctual skill and refine it such that you will be able to visualize the problem and tear it apart to the components like disassembling a LEGO figure. All it takes is some practice in thinking through and around the problem, identifying the first component to pull out and then the seams of all the other components will become visible and easily discerned.

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