Intellectual humility

Intellectual Humility is absolutely a key differentiator between interview candidates

It has become a thing – Intellectual Humility is not only a positive trait, but a key differentiator to assess in interview candidates.

And for those who are asking the question – what exactly is intellectual humility and why is it important?

A person can be brilliant in analytical problem solving, tangential thinking, creative solutioning, overall knowledge and reasoning… but if they’re an a-hole know it all then their value to the team is rather low. In fact, people who are difficult and abrasive can be a detriment to productivity across the board, bringing the team down while perpetually elevating their own self-perceived value in an effort to self-promote. To have a well functioning highly productive team requires people who work well together, recognizing their individual weaknesses while best using each person’s strengths to make the team function better.

In a paragraph, Intellectual humility is the recognition and acknowledgement of one’s own limitations and the understanding that one’s knowledge and perspective is not the only one. It is the ability to admit when one is wrong and to be open to learning new information and perspectives.

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In the professional world, being smart but humble is a valuable trait that can benefit one’s career in a number of ways.

First and foremost, it allows for better decision-making. When one is able to recognize their own limitations and biases, they are able to consider alternative perspectives and gather more information before making a decision. This leads to more well-informed and thoughtful decisions, which ultimately results in better outcomes.

Additionally, intellectual humility allows for better collaboration and teamwork. When individuals are able to admit when they are wrong and actively seek out different perspectives, they are able to work more effectively with others. This leads to more productive and creative teams, where everyone is able to contribute their unique skills and knowledge.

Furthermore, intellectual humility is a key ingredient for continuous learning and personal growth. When one is open to learning new information and perspectives, they are able to expand their knowledge and skills, which can lead to greater success in their career. This is particularly important in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world where staying relevant and current is essential for career advancement.

In conclusion, intellectual humility is a valuable trait that can benefit one’s career in a number of ways, including better decision-making, better collaboration and teamwork, and continuous learning and personal growth. It is important to actively cultivate this trait and make it a part of one’s professional mindset.